I'd Rather Sleep
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"I'd rather sleep than stay awake.
Trees used to talk to me
Now I know what's real and what is fake."These opening lyrics represent how the younger boys may have felt on the island. They were frightened, depressed, maybe even a little mentally wild. In the book, it was stated that the littuns mainly slept during the day, which is a lyric that is repeated throughout the song. Simon was said to wander away form the group and into the woods, where he would be alone and at peace, surrounded by the trees."And we'll try anything
Just to be a kid once again
Just to be a kid again."These lyrics reflect the boys traumatic experiences that brutally showed them the reality of human nature. It forces them into a loss of innocence. When the boys first arrived on the island, they were innocent school boys who were not used to creating their own civilizations. At then end, they cried, recognizing the innocence they had lost and the evil within themselves. It also supports the main theme of the novel. "Deep within all humans lies evil." Without the guidance and laws of civilization, nightmarish scenarios could occur.